Edutracker Services
On-Line Training:
After installation we
will meet you on-line for
instructions when needed & requested.
Technical Support:
Technical & User
Telephone Support always available
Monday through Friday 8:00 am- 4:00 pm PST.
Enhancements, Additions, and Updates are provided and
posted on our web page as required for you to download.
Support – unlimited telephone and email support
during our West Coast office hours for our paid-up
users, 209-369-6900. You will almost always get a live
voice and not a voice mail.
Technical Support – our technical support is
second-to-non. You’ll always reach someone on our voice
line 8:00 to 4:00 daily, Pacific Time. Emails are
promptly answered most anytime.
User’s Support – our user’s support is spot on as our
staff is fully experienced in using the system live in a
hospital setting and won’t use techeze on you. Available
at no extra charge daily 8:00-4:00 Pacific time.
Updates / Upgrades – are issued on our website at no extra
cost. An email notification is sent to you and your IT
department for paid up users when they are issued. Very
easy to log on and download the update along with
instructions. Most of our changes and fixes originate
from our users when their reporting/tracking
requirements change for their State.
On-line Training – we give on-line live training
sessions as required through Go-to-Meeting at no
additional cost. Many use this free service as they get
new Education Department staff to bring them up-to-speed

On-site Training - live training generally is not
required as EduTracker is very easy to understand and
intuitive to use plus we have an excellent manual and
phone support service. We do, however, offer on-site
live training by appointment for the cost of the trip
and a daily fee.
On-line Demos – live showings of EduTracker and
Tracker/Trainer using Go-to-Meeting are available almost
any time to show our products. You can register on this
web site by clicking the Contact tab and filling in the
Newsletters – are issued periodically as viable
information becomes available for our users. These
newsletters contain information about upcoming projects,
user’s questions about functions of interest to all, and
new ways to use EduTracker. Our Support tab also has
valuable information.